If you do not have a church home. Please consider joining us at Hope. We would be glad to have you as a part of God’s family. Introduce yourself to Pastor Pat or one of the elders. You can become a member of Hope by one of:
Rev Singer is President & CEO of Lutheran Church Charities. Jeanette is a licensed counselor and also works with LCC. Pastor Chris will be our guest preacher and Bible Class leader.
Thank you to everyone who made the Charities training event a success.
Men of Hope: Men’s Bible Study meets every Wednesday at 10:00 am. We welcome all the men of Hope, family and friends. Come join our lively discussions how these studies are related to our lives and faith.
The "God Space" Study We will resume learning more about how to make spiritual conversations happen naturally, starting on Jan 8th.
Enjoy pizza and drinks while you play Bingo and Charades. More details to come.
Watch for information about our upcoming celebration of Hope’s10th Anniversary as a Charter Congregation.
To donate, please go to flgadistrict.org/give. Thank you! Your donation is deeply appreciated!.
As always, if you need something, in addition to prayers, feel free to contact either Pastor or Kristen.
Pastor can be reached at kiltedrev@yahoo.com or at 716-957-0470 (have texting capability)
Kristen can be reached at knelsonmckenzie@gmail.com or at 716-957-0469 (has texting capability).
Donations Through Feb 1, 2025
Income MTD $ 7,840.54
Income YTD 7,840.54
Budget Expenses $ 11,740.00
We are looking for someone to do light maintenance duties. If interested, see Daryl Siewert.
Sign up to help Clean the church at the front counter. We need your help. Gather a Team and sign up now. Sign-up sheet in the Narthex.
Readers are needed for upcoming church services.
Sign up in the narthex on the front counter.
Hope’s Happy Hour and Fellowship before the Bible Study Class will include prepared food on the second and fourth Sunday with snacks the other Sundays. Please consider sponsoring a Sunday for $25 or team up with someone to prepare and serve.
Signup sheet for Happy Hour is in Narthex
Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House
Collect your pop tabs from your cans
to donate to the Ronald McDonald House.
Collection containers are in the kitchen.